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Mostrando entradas de abril, 2021

My Favourite Piece of Technology

 Hi!, To begin I’ ll tell you that I’ ll talk about my favorite piece of technology. This is the drone. I have been a photography lover for many years and this was born when I began to visit different places and during these trips taking a camera with me was indispensable. We all know the usefulness of photography, it is very versatile, since you can capture moments, landscapes, works, faces,body, art, etc. After a while of having my professional camera and giving it proper use, I got a drone to expand my knowledge on the subject. It's a fantastic piece of technology! I can fly my drone just for fun reaching great distances and flying at 60 km/ h. It‘ s also an incredible work tool that can be used for topographic studies, to make recordings, and even broadcast live. I’ ve already had it for more than two years and I am thinking of changing it because it is very large and difficult to transport. I hope to find a good deal! This year I have not been able to use it much because o


Hi everybody. I’m Yanio Pizarro and I’m writing to you from my desk so you can know a little about my history. i am 27 years old. I was born on March 21, 1994 in Santiago de Chile. I grew up in Calera de Tango, which is a municipality located south west of the city. It’s a very quiet place that is between the Chena and Lonquen hills. About my family I can tell you that I have lived with my parents and siblings my whole life. We’re six people in the family and we like to enjoy our family time at barbecues and playing board games like Catan on weekends. I have been an architecture student at the UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE since 2020 and I’m very satisfied with the choice. This last year I have learned a lot about the importance of architecture today and how the great masters produce it. I read very interesting architecture books to understand it better, such as ATMOSPHERES by PETER ZUMTHOR. In my free time i love to play soccer and go to the stadium to see my team. I am a fan of one of the mos