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Hi everybody. I’m Yanio Pizarro and I’m writing to you from my desk so you can know a little about my history. i am 27 years old. I was born on March 21, 1994 in Santiago de Chile. I grew up in Calera de Tango, which is a municipality located south west of the city. It’s a very quiet place that is between the Chena and Lonquen hills.

About my family I can tell you that I have lived with my parents and siblings my whole life. We’re six people in the family and we like to enjoy our family time at barbecues and playing board games like Catan on weekends.

I have been an architecture student at the UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE since 2020 and I’m very satisfied with the choice. This last year I have learned a lot about the importance of architecture today and how the great masters produce it. I read very interesting architecture books to understand it better, such as ATMOSPHERES by PETER ZUMTHOR.

In my free time i love to play soccer and go to the stadium to see my team. I am a fan of one of the most important teams in the Chilean league, “U DE CHILE”. My favorite color is blue and you can already imagine why.

Before the pandemic I used to play soccer everydays and hanging out with my friends but now it is impossible because of the quarantine. I enjoy riding my bike and going to the nearest hill to see the landscape from the heights. I also used to travel all over Chile and I have visited some countries. I think the coolest place i've ever been is Torres del Paine. I loved it because of its natural landscapes and the peace that you feel being there. Another place that I loved was Sydney where I met the Opera House that impressed me.

This is a bit of my life. I hope to know more about you.



  1. Hello Yanio, that curious, we entered the same year to the carrier and the only course that we coincided was English jaja, I hope some meeting to play CATAN, that you are well, greetings

  2. Yanio, I think it's great that you had the opportunity to go to Australia I would like to go too sometime

  3. hiii yanio, i was with you in the vielma's workshop. i hope that one day we can play a soccer match cause im a colocolino and the best forward in FAU jeje


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