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Mostrando entradas de julio, 2021


 Hello everybody. This time I want to tell you about what happened to me this year. To begin with, it has been a very hectic year due to the context of the pandemic, even during the first months of the year I was infected with Covid-19 and it was not pleasant at all. Luckily, it only lasted a couple of weeks and I heal quickly, as did my family who lives with me. Also, during these last months with the vaccination of the population, positive cases and infection rates have decreased, which makes me very happy because progress is being made. in the plan to phase 3 and we can do sports and social relations with a little more freedom. On the other hand, in terms of the university, I think I have had a good semester and I have dedicated myself what is necessary to pass my lines and the truth is that I feel satisfied with that. I have learned quite a few new concepts and modeling based on architecture. In a way this motivates me to keep learning more and more things. As for the country, I th


 Hello everybody! This time I'll tell you about my adventures in the snow. As I 've already told you, I'm a sports fan and this time I 'll talk about one of my favorite sports,  the snowboarding. I started being a rider 13 years ago when I was just a teenager. I remember in those moments how good the sensation of sliding on the snow felt, which made my desire to learn more and more. Like all beginners I learned through falls and blows, such as when I fell on my back and when trying to support myself I fractured my wrist. In conclusion falls are part of the learning process, even after learning it is important to know how to fall. Today I am a more experienced rider, I have better control of my body and balance as well as the risks that exist when doing these sports. I am from Santiago and I mostly go to the ski centers in my city such as EL COLORADO or my favorite VALLE NEVADO, which for me are the best slopes in the country. I have traveled different places in the sout

My Favorite Subject

  Today I´ll talk about my favorite subject during this first semester of 2021. I ‘ve really enjoyed learning during WORKSHOP 2: CONCEPTUALIZATION OF THE ARCHITECTURAL SPACE. In this subject we develop complex architectural exercises that contain architectural plans, models, diagrams. Personally, I feel that it has helped me a lot to grow professionally, also I have had good grades which confirms my learning. At the beginning of the semester we developed a task that consisted of creating labyrinth-type spaces. Through different references I was able to carry out an interesting project for my teachers, where through spatial modules, which grow infinitely, an architectural system is generated, which contains a connection between vertical and horizontal spaces. During this work I learned to work on black bond paper, presenting my sheet in a kind of negative photo.   The second exercise of our workshop, they gave us a land with a high slope where the commission was to make a building i