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 Hello everybody. This time I want to tell you about what happened to me this year.

To begin with, it has been a very hectic year due to the context of the pandemic, even during the first months of the year I was infected with Covid-19 and it was not pleasant at all. Luckily, it only lasted a couple of weeks and I heal quickly, as did my family who lives with me. Also, during these last months with the vaccination of the population, positive cases and infection rates have decreased, which makes me very happy because progress is being made. in the plan to phase 3 and we can do sports and social relations with a little more freedom.

On the other hand, in terms of the university, I think I have had a good semester and I have dedicated myself what is necessary to pass my lines and the truth is that I feel satisfied with that. I have learned quite a few new concepts and modeling based on architecture. In a way this motivates me to keep learning more and more things.

As for the country, I think it has been a much more regular start to the year than the end of last year when everything was so hectic. We have elected our representatives to make the new constitution and thus make a better chili. I think this has been an important milestone in the history of our country. Without a doubt a great advance.

In general I think it has been a good first half of the year and I am very hopeful that everything will continue to improve.

Greetings to all !


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